My dolly doppleganger has found herself living in an alternate dolly reality in New York City .
In a de-luxe apartment in the sky.

The girls were quite snug in their room,being babysat by a Guardian Angel,whilst Mommy and Daddy prepared for their hip Newyears Eve bash.

The hub most graciously ,agreed to bartend,so I could hostess and hob-nob.

Nicole Kidman arrives.
"Well honey,ofcourse I invited her,but who knew she'd show. I guess The Pagoda party really is the the most happenin' way to swing in 2007!"

Jennifer Love Hewitt arrives.
"Who invited her? Ya know ,ever since jumping on that whole... "I see dead people" bandwagon-thang ,her cool factor...um...not so much,but hey! Love the 80's side ponytail!"

Twiggy arrives.
"Twiggy you time traveled all the way from the 60's to attend,my little ol' shin-dig?I'm honored!"

Michelle Trachtenberg arrives.
"Hey,she's cool,remember her in Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Oh,thats right and then she did that Ice Princess movie,ummm,great dress tho'."

Beyonce' arrives.

"Beyonce',I'm so glad you wore your Deena Jones hair,make-up,and costume from Dreamgirls,whoa, easy on the grog there Nicole!"

"Its midnite everyone.Happy Newyear! Seems Beyonce' and Michelle are getting along. I think Nicole and Love had fun too.Did Twiggy go back to the 60's ?"

"Oh honey,I'm so glad the ratio of male dollys to girl dollys worked out in my favor!"

"Yep thats the last of them,the taxi cab just picked up Nicole. Oh yes,Michelle and Beyonce' really clicked, wasn't 2006 wonderful!"

Heres wishing everyone a Happy Newyear and a wonderful 2007,and to all a goodnight!
That was FUN! I used to clean out the linen closet to make my own deluxe Barbie townhouse. A box and some string and you have one groovy elevator.
Happy New Years indeed!
Me again! Husband laughed hard at this...then asked..."so how'd you do this?" Um not my blog...is that our bookshelf? Wouldn't you have seen some Barbies around? LOL
I just snorted soda out of my nose...thanks for that...
Naughty dollies! What a great new years they had, I am a little jealous!
Thanks for that and a happy new year to you!
Excellent party!
I'll bet the revelers will be rather embarrassed when they sober up and realize their antics have been publicized. I'm going to head over to YouTube now to see if there's any video footage.
ROFL "Easy on the grog, Nicole."
i loved this! i'm glad someone else still plays with barbies too, not just me! happy new years!
oh what fun fun!! - hilarious!!
Happy new year Barbie!
Totally amuzed!!And laughing, and laughing more! That was better than my New Year's Eve! Wish my night had ended as good as Barbie's, is that Barbie? hehe. PS: where can I get Beyonce's lipstick? It's fantastic!! And, the woman in the striped dress! What a fabulous group!!
That Jennifer Love always shows up to parties uninvited. But Twiggy always makes everything a little more fabulous, so I'm glad she could make it!!
Happy New Years!!!!
You are an absolute Hoot!!! ;-)
Very Funny!!
Whew! what a bash. My Barbies inhabited a hi-rise apartment in my closet. When I boxed them up I cut holes for their faces so they could breathe.
i wish you would do a book with this format...
Scampy, trampy and delectably oootrageous (that's how a Scottish BF of mine used to say it)! So glad you bashed J.L. Hoositz? Not only the Ghost Whispering but she wears false eyeleashes to bed on the show. Only Judy Garland and wasted drag Queens do that!
See you in two weeks! Yikes, begin dreading family visit...
Dear JDP:
What fun!! Happy New Year to you!
That is so funny, you have me cracking up. Go Barbie.
You're the Best!! I loved this! Happy New Year to you too.
So incredibly entertaining! ..a total riot! Loved it to bits!! : )
xoxo Jenny
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