Happy new year everyone! I 'm feeling the energy of re-newal here at the Pagoda,and believe me I need that extra energy oomph! Busy ,busy,busy here. I open a fund-raiser on Friday,and have been rehearsing since Newyears day. This show runs through,next weekend with one day off and then I begin rehearsals for the rock musical, Hair,that opens in Februrary. What this means is I will be posting spottily this month,but then again you never know when the muse hits you to ,well...muse!
I had such fun sharing with everyone in December. Blog-ville was just one big virtual open house!
I leave you with a re-run post. My 1st dolly-doppleganger story ran last September ,back when I didn't even know how to link to other sites. So here it is
My fantasy shopping trip to the perfect thrift store!
You sound so busy. I open my eyes 6a.m. Blink 2p.m. run around look at clock 10p.m. AGH! But today, major fantasy thrifting. I brought home 2 typewriters. Not one, but two. And, one is red and one is yellow. And! I already have 3. Let's talk about riding down the loony slide of psychotic bliss. Good Luck with all your work! Wow!
I love these stories you do with the barbie dolls! I dream a lot about going into a thrift shop and finding all my favourite things!
sounds like a fun thrift shopping experience! I keep having dreams that I find an old warehouse with vintage Italian Vogue issues - wonder what thats all about?
all the best with your rehersals!!
Good Luck with all of your "Hollywood" activities! Oh, and I'm loving all of the Barbie drama....very entertaining!
"HAIR" is totally cool. Are you doing that at T.A. or where? I'll be in Texas from 1-15 to 1-22. I'll have to bug you between rehaearsals Busy Girl!
Can't wait!
Omigosh thats the cutest little doll set up....love it....hmmm...i should photograph my dolls and introduce them to yours, they'd love each other for sure
how fun! is that a 'julia' doll? i was going to garage sales before the weather went all crazy on us here, and i bought a whole bunch of barbie dress patterns...makes me wanna sew doll dresses!
Another one! Your killing me! I wrote today about how I wasn't allowed to have Barbies as a kid. Crazy I know!
You are the epitome of Fabulousness!! You made me smile from ear to ear...Passed the ears actually. Is that a coincidence?No. My guy looks like a Klaus..and Knowme...LOve that!!!How did you put it together?!Awesome.
I LOVE it! Absolutely brilliant.
you slay me
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