Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thriftventuring...A List to Thrift by: Item #3 Vintage Holiday

In this case.....VINTAGE CHRISTMAS BUBBLE LIGHTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have found and continue to find some pretty awesome-tastick goodies at the thrift.
......but vintage Bubble Lights?????...3 boxes of the large and 1 box of tiny...and they all work perfectly!!!
I was helping a dear friend who has had some car issues....and on my way to pick her up I noticed a Goodwill I had never seen...not all that far from The Pagoda...but off my usual beaten path. On my way back I just had to stop in and take a peek around.I was doing a rather quick case of the joint and getting ready to leave when I spied a "Super Secret Christmas Room".
Inside there was mostly pedestrian stuff...but..... LOADS of vintage X-mas lights. So.... naturally....I stocked up on the bubble lights!
I must say...there is pretty much not a vintage X-mas goodie ....or ANY vintage holiday goodie..that does not delight me from the inside out.
So yeah,vintage holiday....ALWAYS on the "to be thrifted" list!
What yummy-osity have you thrifted lately?


Unknown said...

I ALWAYS brake for vintage Christmas! LOL I will always love bubble lights. Hope to find some to use on my tree next year!

Rebecca said...

Word indeed, girfriend.


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