Spinning silver tree.
you have loved two families.
What tales can you share?
I love this sort of introspective but simple poetry,quite often just give me a topic and I can go to town!The scheme of a Haiku is soooo simple 5 syllables on the top line, then 7, then back to 5. Within that framework ,I feel so safe to create(just wait till you get a load of my Cinnquain). Heres the challenge:leave me a comment in the form of a holiday Haiku,or even better,post one on your own site,let me know your joining in the fun and I shall link to everyone on Christmas,my gift to my blogpanions!
ok, prolly too late to be writing poetry, but here goes
Wrapping up presents
The gifts beg for ribbon, yet
How to package love?
(i hope i did that right)
...lovely tree btw
:) D
All work is done now
Ready to fly to Philly
I need to relax.
Not very Christmas-y, but that's where I'm at now! Just pack in the morning and the fun begins!
I liked Christmas best
when Santa did all the work.
Is it over yet?
Hmmm...perhaps that's not the holiday sentiment you were looking for.
Red Santa velvet
Holly, mistletoe, pine greens
Vibrant Christmas hues
Fresh pine needles scent
Cranberries and popcorn string
My Christmas moments
Ses World Tower lights
Christmas in San Diego
Symbolic icon (close to my heart)
Silver tree strands
Homes outlined in twinkling lights
Tradition survives
Mouth wide open awe
Paper and ribbon surprise
Little girl wonder
Oops, SEA world tower. I wish blogger had an edit button
Fairy lights sparkling.
Vintage baubles seem to glow.
Pretty Pink Christmas.
A shocking pink tam
From flying silver needles
Happy Christmas gift
Thank you for the inspiration!
Warm and Thick Sweet Milk
Children too excited to sleep
Santa is coming!!!
Is that the right amount of syllables? haha
Christmas coming soon
Too much stuff still to be done
Please pass the bourbon
Does that work? LOL
Happy holidays!
I come tired from work,
special surprise at my door.
Thank you for the treats!
thanks for the special surprise vintage goodies!! i love them! you know my style lady!
More shopping to do
Never will there be enough
gifts under the tree
That was fun!!
Rebecca, I love yours! Amen to the bourbon LOL!
I am utterly impressed with my clever buddies!!!Oh ,and since I made rum balls today ,for me its rum!!
The Verse On My Site
True Story Of Christmas Night
My Childhood Mem'ries
I am so envious of your silver tree I could spit!
Merry Merry, Mary! (the official Gay Xmas Greeting)
I am sorely behind my time and catching up on blogging today.
I never wrote a haiku before. Let's see how I do..
Christmas is over.
The decorations are down.
The spirit lives on.
It was a very soul searching holiday for me. I am excited and proud that I came through to the other side with lessons learned and great optimism. In certain ways, I am a different person today.
love you. that's never different
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