Hi there . I am popping in to say hello. I closed my show Sunday night and after a 7 show week .... I am quite exhausted.This was such a special experience for me....sharing the stage with my child.As with any show, I always grow as an actor and a person. It was very special to see my daughter experience this same growth.Closing a show is also a bit of a sacred thing for me. You see, it(the show) simply vanishes into the mist when it closes it is gone.My hubs calls it Brigadoon. Have you heard of the magical town that only appears once every 100 years? Live theatre can possess that same ephemeral alchemy.
My daughter is suffering the Post Show Blues,and believe me, it can be quite painful.Maturing as an actor I have found I have less blues and more acceptance. I know there will always be another show and a new spell to cast.

Dear Project Runway Producers,
(and Heidi,Tim,and Powers That Be ,et al)
Your last 2 eppys have been wonderful! Yes I was sad to see Kit go,but I completely agreed with her auf'ing.

The reason I am writing you is to compliment you. Your show is finding its way back to the more "fashion forward" challenges. Your judges are ALWAYS casually tossing this phrase about. To quote Nina,I am "drinking the koolaide",I totally buy into the "fashion forward" ideology ,so please create "fashion forward" challenges.
...and gosh golly gee,I hate to say it,but when the designers are ask to design garments that are NOT going on your models (ie : today show/mens wear,ladies who have gotten there fitness on,and teenage prom queens)the results as a whole are less than inspiring to watch. I want to see high fashion fantasy on the runway . Throw in a non catwalk model challenge once a season to keep the designers on there toes but ,I think when the designers are creating for an actual person and not a fantasy clientèle they are not letting rip with the wonderful. Even Christian who knows himself quite well for a young designer,managed to succeed with one client(newly fit gal) and fail with another(prom queen).

I don't want to see clothes I can pick up at a nondescript mall store.I want to see clothes I fantasize about in Vogue!

sincerely ,JDP
P.S. Did you not give Christian the win last night because he is practically walking away with the competition at this point?
-----------Alrighty ,can you tell I have jumped on the Christian bandwagon? I believe he is the most consistently interesting designer. NO,I am not talking personality wise! Yes he is the resident en fent terrible (did I spell that right?)and he infuses all of his designs with this spirit! I can't wait to see his Bryant Park show! I still love Jillian and think she has amazing talent,but she is so very inconsistent.A week ago gorg coat last night fug coat.Watch ,though,I still predict her for the final 3. ....and of course Rami will be there too,his style is not my style but I think his work is consistently lovely. Even his avant garment was lovely. I'm talkin' the tunic,not the pants,it wasn't avant garde but it was interestingly pretty.
I am playing catch up this week,taking back control of my house,laundry,dinner,that sort of thing,so catchup in bloggy world is coming soon too. I will visit you all soon.