Here goes......

I really want to create a magical little fairy garden with my Wee Petal( who is not that wee anymore!).
While I am coaxing green things to grow I think I would like to try my hand at herb gardening to enhance the flavor of everyday meals and perhaps make these clever and eco friendly "pots".

The hubs and I especially love soup and I received a new beautiful crock-pot with which to cook up some savory comfort.

Leading up to 2010 I had several months of personal sadness and challenges.
I lost my father ...and had my house on the market ....and moved to a new home right after I lost him. When my life has chaos I lose my grip on fitness and nutrition. I spent 2010 regaining my dedication to one of these pursuits.I discovered the good ol' stair-master was no longer working for me at the gym and added hour long cardio classes each day of the work week to cross train and challenge myself.The good news is I lost about 15 pounds in the process...the bad news.... I tend to be very hard on myself body-wise and would STILL like to be 5-10 pounds less.In 2011 I want to continue my NOW cardio addiction....and regain my good nutrition habits that were once almost 2nd nature.

Hangin' in my little cyber corner of the world has been so fulfilling to me....I am uncertain why I have had such a polka-dotted existence these past couple of years...then again see explanation in above goal.

This sort of restyle thang seems to be the sort of crafty fun I tend to relish anyway...I think I need to just jump on in on this one.
I would like to have a groovy little spot to go and refresh my meager sewing skills.
This Bishop Arts District studio may be the perfect place.

*Re-launching my Etsy shop
It is long overdue for a re-launch on my kids clothing shop...and I have so many fun ideas brewing!

While 1st things 1st my original shop.....I am envisioning an on-line boutique for the grownup girls...rooted firmly in my own crazy aesthetic.
I'm thinking of naming it "Tooled Leather and Lace".

*Thrift with a purpose:
I always try to have a mental "to be thrifted list" in my head...but this year I think I will actually WRITE OUT that list and do my best to stick to it!
Who am I kidding? It is impossible to limit myself at the thrift store,but maybe it might be fun to challenge myself for a couple of months to stick to a list!
*buy above thrift print here*

I already know milk glass is on that list....yeah I m totally late to the game on the luscious-ness of milk glass...but hey...I've always been a late bloomer...that's just how I roll!

Next holiday season....I wish to craft with my girls a bit more....I think the three of us could handle some paper snowflake curtains.Just a little somethin' to get all three of us to sit down and spend creative time together. My girls are almost 7 years apart...and getting them on the same page can be challenging. I saw this at the end of the holiday season and thought maybe if I have a whole year to plan for MIGHT happen!

and wish for the new year!
Happiest of 2011 to ya!
Hi Friend!!
Happy ~ Healthy ~ Creative ~ Prosperous
You can do it! I believe in you. Terrariums are easier than you think and I heart Make. I have taught there a few times and they always have fun classes. Good luck!
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