Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter-scaping:Part 2...The Easter Escape...or.. The Good Friday Fort

My little Magnolia blossom has been begging for me to build her a fort ever since the two of us gazed at this beauty by Justina Blakenly.
I have been happily googling fort images ever since!!!
Check these if you might be inclined to build your own and need a little inspiration!

You will need:
*2 or 3 sheets ,blankets ,or other pieces of fabric.
*Safety pins
*Twine ,string ,ribbon....or some sort of "anchoring ropes"
*Nails or push-pins
*A steppy stool or chair to stand on
*Twinkle lights
*Throw pillows for interior decor
*Your Imagination
This might be one of those "learn as you go" projects.....but here is how it shook down for me.

I began by anchoring 3 ribbons to the ceiling with push pins (I did use a hammer to get them the whole way IN!).
I chose a flat sheet and safety pinned my sheet to the "anchor ribbons"...knotting the ribbons to the safety pin.I then used a push-pin to anchor the back corner directly to the wall.

You can see here how I arranged my anchor ribbons in a triangle position.

I added my little vintage bunny/duckie remnant panel as another "wall" by safety pinning it to the inside and underneath of my sheet.

I added little heart lights...and push-pinned them to the inside "roof" of the fort.

...and decorated with furry throw pillows and favorite bear.

....add happy child with book!
She sez' she wants to sleep here tonight....I think I will let her.
Do you think you might build a fort? How will you decorate it?


Lauren Leggatt said...

aww thats so cute! sure looks cozy!

Unknown said...

Fun! We loved making forts out of blankets and chairs as kids, and my kids love it too. Well, Maren loves it--Porter destroys them. :) But I like this idea of making it semi-permanent with the pins & ropes!


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