Sunday, May 01, 2011

Terrariums : A New Years Goal Achievment

Happiness is creating with your child,doing something you have wanted to do for a LONG time......
...AND......even relating it back to your child's American Girl Doll adventure.
You see Julie has a terrarium in her room too.
Noli and I have had many chats about what her own terrarium would be like.
We checked a few books out of the library for prep...and just jumped in.

You will need:
* A glass container (I thrifted this gold fish bowl.)
* Assorted small plants
* Tiny pebbles
* Potting soil (not shown)
* Little "friends" to make it a sort of "living" dollhouse.

...and ofcourse Mommy's little helper!

I did omit one ingredient.
After filling the clean glass container with pebbles I realized I forgot to get charcoal for the next layer. So....I just added the potting soil. We'll see how important that ingredient was......
We used a spoon to add the plants,and added the little 70's girl.
There is no top to close off our terrarium and make it "rain" we will happily water ours with tiny drops of water.

Someone was pretty pleased and excited!

Perhaps I should have added some moss for her to sit on.I am feeling guilty that her little skirt has to sit on dirt.
What would you plant in your terrarium?
Did you have one as a child?


Jennifer Perkins said...

I love the kitschy little figurine you guys chose to go inside. It's all about the terrarium accessories.

Every spring and fall when I go to the Round top fea market there is a vendor selling an old "baby incubator". Must be from the 40's or so and looks very institutional with the glass, metal and heating bits. I always dream of getting it to convert into a terrarium, but alas it is baby sized so I'm not sure I could put it.

One day it will be mine then we can both live out our terrarium dreams.

Threads of Inspiration said...

I have been thinking about making a terrarium and your post just might make me get to it. I got one many years ago as a present. I think I'll be on the lookout for a little figure for it and take my inspiration from that. Thanks for the post!

rochambeau said...

Happy Mother's Day!!
Great terrariums you girls put together!

Guess what? Tomorrow I'm riding on the American Girl float with our girls book club here in Jefferson for the Pilgrimage Parade!!

Hugs to you!



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